Black Trumpet (4-1)

Black Trumpet

Craterellus Cornucopioides

AKA: AKA Horn of Plenty, trompette de la mort, trumpet of death (NOT true at all), black chanterelle


Grows singular on the ground. However, more often than not, they can be found scattered in larger numbers. Color varies from black to light gray and even brownish on occasion. Thin, smooth or slightly wrinkled and flimsy compared to most fungi. No visible gills. Grows up like a trumpet (surprise surprise), vase or funnel, opening at the top and hollow down the middle.

Very fragrant!!

Coolness Factor:

Often more useful as a “spice” flavoring as opposed to what you generally think of cooking mushrooms.
Contain vitamin C, phenols, flavonoids and fatty acids which are all very good for you!

Where Found:

Oak, beech and other hardwood forests

They grow by trees, but not on or at base of trees.

Summer to autumn in the North America


Black trumpets blend into the forest floor unbelievably well! To find one in the midst of dead leaves and dirt can be nearly impossible sometimes. Start by looking at mossy areas first since they will stick out a bit more against the moss versus dead leaves. Look around carefully, where there is one, there are usually more!


Black trumpets are very thin and flimsy so can often just blow most dirt or debris off, or use a quick brush. Don’t forget about the hole in the middle!


Works very well as a spice. Personal favorite is to dehydrate, crush and place in salt shaker to sprinkle on your food. Eggs and omelettes come highly recommended.

Can sauté but use minimal oil or butter as they tend to get soggy and lose their consistency.


Dehydration is most commonly accepted way to preserve.

Look Alikes:

NADA!! This dramatically increases the black trumpet coolness factor! Great for beginners.